Flowol versions

Teaches the basics of programming via visualization
Sep 21, 2011
Oct 29, 2010
Jun 16, 2010
Oct 28, 2009
Jul 13, 2008
Editorial review
Mar 10, 2008

What's new

v4.8 [Sep 21, 2011]
- Flowol 4 is distributed as a download rather than on CD-ROM. This helps the environment by removing the need to manufacture and deliver CD-ROMs. And if you happen to lose the licence key, we can always re-issue it to you if you have registered your purchase.
- The core Flowol 4 package now contains 14 progressive mimics (2D: Zebra Crossing, Crossing Patrol, Bridge Lights, Lighthouse, Pelican Crossing, Robot, Santa, Auto Home, Greenhouse, School Bus; and 3D: Mobile, Big Wheel, Level Crossing and TrainSet1).
- The inputs, outputs and variables can now be named (mimics have default names), and these names are used in the flowchart symbols. This removes the need to remember to what device the input/output numbers are connected.
- When Flowol 4 is first opened, a welcome screen guides users to open a mimic, or connect to an interface. It is no longer necessary to find these options on the toolbar or in a menu.
- The new fischertechnik ROBO TX interface has advanced encoder motors. These motors contain a counter and controller logic so the motors can rotate precisely.
- Support for Ardunio microcontrollers.
- Only those flowchart symbols and features that are appropriate to the level of the mimic/interface in use are visible in the left toolbar. Therefore users aren’t confused with options such as analogue sensors until they need them.
- Flowol4 has some advanced features for KS3/KS4 users:
- Graphs
- Random Number generation
- Passing parameters to subroutines
- Using multiple mimics and/or interfaces at the same time
- Advanced thread control

Alternative downloads

SILKYPIX Developer Studio
SILKYPIX Developer Studio

This program creates an image from RAW data of a digital camera.

ClickCharts Diagram & Flowchart Software
ClickCharts Diagram & Flowchart

ClickCharts Flowchart Pro Edition allows you to create visual representations.

Code Visual to Flowchart
Code Visual to Flowchart

Automatic code flow chart generator software.

Flowchart Maker
Flowchart Maker

A simple flowchart design program with a drag-and-drop interface.

SILKYPIX Developer Studio for Tamron
SILKYPIX Developer Studio

It is a program that allows you to work with RAW, JPEG and TIFF files.